Sara Fondo standing on top of a mountain in Tatra National Park, Zakopane, Poland

Mount Pahia Hiking Trail: Best Hike in Bora Bora

Mount Pahia: Best Hiking Trail in Bora Bora

This is your ultimate guide to the Best Hike in Bora Bora â€” Mount Pahia Hiking Trail, which will reward you with the most picturesque views of the island.

Ready for an unforgettable adventure? The Mount Pahia Hiking Trail in Bora Bora promises a thrilling and rewarding challenge. Rising majestically above the turquoise lagoon, Mount Pahia offers breathtaking views, lush tropical vegetation, and a unique opportunity to connect with the natural beauty and culture of Bora Bora.

Whether you’re an experienced hiker or a daring beginner, you can conquer the best hike in Bora Bora, especially with the help of this guide.

In this guide, I cover everything you need to know to reach the peak of Mount Pahia, including how to get there, essential tips, and safety precautions.

Welcome to your next adventure on Mount Pahia in Bora Bora!

Mount Pahia: Best Hiking Trail in Bora Bora

Mount Pahia Hike Details

Mount Pahia is one of the prominent peaks on the island of Bora Bora in French Polynesia. It is part of the remnants of an extinct volcano, giving the island its rugged, mountainous landscape.

Mount Pahia Hiking Trail offers a challenging yet rewarding hike with breathtaking views of the island and its surrounding lagoon.

Here are some key details about Mount Pahia:

Trail Overview

  • Location: Island of Bora Bora, French Polynesia.
  • Length: Approximately 6 kilometers (3.7 miles) round trip.
  • Duration: 4 to 6 hours, depending on fitness level and pace. My personal record is 2 hours, 40 minutes round trip.
  • Difficulty: Hard. The trail involves steep ascents, some scrambling, and navigating through dense vegetation.
  • Elevation Gain: About 661 meters (2,169 feet) from sea level to the summit. While it is slightly shorter than Mount Otemanu, it still offers impressive views of the surrounding island and lagoon.
  • Best Time to Hike: Early in the morning.

Starting Point

  • Location: Mount Pahia is one of the peaks on Bora Bora, a volcanic island in French Polynesia. The island is surrounded by a stunning lagoon and barrier reef.
  • Access: The trailhead for Mount Pahia is conveniently located in Vaitape, the main village of Bora Bora. I cover this in greater detail in the How To Get There Section.

Trail Description

  • Initial Ascent: The first part of the hiking trail is very steep and winds through tropical forests, requiring navigation through unmarked paths. It’s fairly easy to follow, though.
  • Middle Section: The trail flattens out a bit after the initial steep section, but it’s no time to chill. You need to be sturdy on your feet as you will have to climb over rocks and tree roots. Stay focused.
  • The Final Stretch: There’s a significant stretch of climbing towards the peak, but there are ropes to help you.

Scenic Highlights

  • Panoramic Views: The summit offers stunning panoramic views of Bora Bora’s lagoon, the barrier reef, and Mount Otemanu.
  • Tropical Flora and Fauna: The Mount Pahia Hiking Trail takes you through lush vegetation, showcasing the island’s diverse plant life and providing occasional glimpses of local wildlife such blue-and-bronze colored geckos and dragonflies.
  • Adventure: The challenging terrain and sense of adventure make this hike a memorable experience, and one of the best hikes in Bora Bora.
Ultimate Bora Bora Hiking Guide: Discover Mount Piri

Essential Tips

  • Start Early: Begin your hike early in the morning to avoid the midday heat and allow plenty of time to complete the hike before dark.
  • Water and Snacks: Bring plenty of water and high-energy snacks to keep you hydrated and fueled.
  • Navigation: Use a reliable map or GPS device, as the trail is not well-marked.
  • Hiking Shoes: Wear sturdy, comfortable hiking shoes with good grip.
  • Sunscreen and Hat: Protect yourself from the sun, especially in exposed areas.
  • Insect Repellent: Guard against mosquitoes and other insects.
  • Camera: Capture the stunning scenery and memorable moments.

Safety Precautions

  • Weather: Check the weather forecast before starting your hike. Avoid hiking during or after heavy rain, as the trail can become extremely slippery and dangerous.
  • Communication: Inform someone of your hiking plans, including your expected return time.
  • Stay on the Path: To avoid getting lost or encountering unsafe terrain.
  • Local Resources: It’s wise to check local resources or guides for current trail conditions and safety recommendations.
  • Physical Fitness: Ensure you are in good physical condition, as the hike is demanding and requires endurance and strength.
  • Respect the Environment: Follow the Leave No Trace principles by carrying out all trash and minimizing your impact on the natural surroundings.
  • First Aid Kit: Carry a basic first aid kit for minor injuries.

Cultural Significance

Bora Bora and its mountains, including Mount Pahia, hold cultural and historical significance for the local Polynesian people.

The island was historically known as “Pora Pora” (meaning “First Born”) and has numerous myths and legends associated with its landscape.

Interested in more about Bora Bora’s historical history? You can read more on Tahiti Tourism’s website.

Nearby Attractions

While Mount Pahia is a popular destination for adventurous hikers, Bora Bora is more widely known for its luxurious resorts, overwater bungalows, and pristine beaches.

The island is a sought-after destination for honeymooners and tourists seeking a tropical paradise experience. Here are some ideas for other adventures in Bora Bora:

  • Vaitape: The main town on Bora Bora, offering shops, restaurants, and cultural experiences.
  • Bike Ride Around the Island: I wrote a complete guide and one-day itinerary with a lot of cool spots to see as you bike around Bora Bora. Read it here.
  • Hike Mount Piri: A rather unknown hiking trail on Bora Bora is the one leading to the peak of Mount Piri. Read my complete hiking guide here.
  • Matira Beach: One of the most famous beaches in Bora Bora, known for its stunning white sand and clear waters.
  • Lagoon Tours: Explore Bora Bora’s beautiful lagoon through snorkeling, diving, and boat tours. Viator has a wide selection of tours to choose from.

Mount Pahia provides an adventurous and scenic hike for those looking to explore Bora Bora beyond its beautiful beaches and luxury resorts. By following the tips, you can safely enjoy one of the island’s most rewarding outdoor experiences.

How to get there

This map shows you the beginning and end of the Mount Pahia hiking trail.

Begin in Vaitape

  • Location: Your adventure begins in Vaitape, the bustling main town of Bora Bora.
  • Stock Up: Before you set out, visit Chin Lee supermarket to stock up on your favorite hiking snacks and plenty of water. Proper hydration and nourishment are essential for a successful hike, and you’ll thank yourself later for being prepared.

Setting Out

  • Route:
    • After leaving the supermarket, make a turn at Hina Pearls and follow the asphalt road.
    • Continue walking straight; eventually, the road will start to incline as you move uphill.
  • Local Interaction:
    • As you venture further, you’ll find yourself immersed in a tight-knit community of local Polynesians.
    • Remember to have your smile ready and use the greeting “Ia Orana” (“hello” – pronounced like ”Your Honour”). This simple phrase can go a long way in making connections and showing respect to the locals.
Mount Pahia: Best Hiking Trail in Bora Bora

Finding the Trail

  • Path Transition:
    • When the paved road comes to an end, make a left turn onto the grassy path.
    • This marks the beginning of the Mount Pahia Hiking Trail.
  • Trail Markers:
    • Initially, you might spot a few red strings tied to branches. These strings are intended to guide your way, signaling that you are on the right path.
    • Be aware that these markers tend to disappear the higher you ascend, so do not rely solely on them for navigation.

Navigation Tips

  • Offline Maps: I highly recommend downloading the app and the French Polynesia map. This app allows you to keep track of your location and navigate offline, which is especially useful if you lose connection during your hike. It has been my trusty companion for years and can be incredibly helpful in ensuring you stay on course.

What you need to know

Ultimate Bora Bora Hiking Guide: Discover Mount Piri

Wrong Turn Alert

As you descend, there’s a particular spot where it’s easy to take a wrong turn if you’re not paying attention. It might look like the trail is turning right, leading you down the mountain—don’t take this turn. It will have you scrambling at the side of the mountain until you realize your mistake. Stop, orient yourself, and look for the trail that goes slightly upwards over some rocks. This is the correct path.

Dog Warning

As you make your way through Vaitape towards the trailhead, you will encounter dogs. I was nearly bitten by a seemingly cute and friendly white dog that turned vicious. Dogs in French Polyensia supposedly don’t carry rabies, but it’s a good idea to exercise extra caution in this area.

Guide or no Guide

In my opinion, the Mount Pahia hiking trail without a guide is doable and safe. However, local guides offer safety, navigation assistance, and insights into the area’s flora and fauna, which some might find beneficial. So, I’ll leave it up to you to decide. If you are looking for a guide, Tahiti Tourisme has a list of professional hiking guides to choose from.

Be Weather-Wise

The main reason this hike can turn dangerous is the weather. Heavy rain will make it slippery, and you don’t want to find yourself on the mountainside when the skies open. The weather can be especially unpredictable during the rainy season. Keep this in mind when planning your trek.

Stay Hydrated

Not everybody takes into consideration that you will likely be hiking in temperatures exceeding 30 degrees celsius when tackling the Mount Pahia Hiking Trail, and the tropical climate can quickly lead to dehydration. Though the hike isn’t too long, it is very steep, and you will likely be sweating profusely. It’s a good idea to bring more water than you think you’ll need.

Where to stay in Bora Bora

Bora Bora offers a range of accommodations to suit every traveler’s needs and preferences.

Here are some top-rated places to consider:

1. Overwater Bungalows: Experience luxury and privacy in overwater bungalows that offer direct access to the lagoon. Resorts like Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora and St. Regis Bora Bora Resort are renowned for their iconic overwater accommodations and exceptional service.

2. Beachfront Resorts: For those who prefer staying closer to the shore, beachfront resorts provide easy access to both the beach and the resort’s amenities. InterContinental Bora Bora Resort & Thalasso Spa and The Westin Bora Bora Resort & Spa offer beautiful beachside settings and a range of activities.

3. Boutique Hotels: Discover intimate and charming boutique hotels nestled amidst tropical gardens or overlooking the lagoon. These smaller accommodations offer personalized service and a tranquil atmosphere, perfect for a relaxing stay after a day of diving.

4. Private Villas: Ideal for families or groups, private villas provide spacious accommodations with modern amenities and often include private pools and gardens. Villas offer a secluded retreat while still being within reach of Bora Bora’s main attractions.

5. Eco-Friendly Resorts: For environmentally conscious travelers, eco-resorts in Bora Bora offer sustainable practices and immersive experiences in nature. Consider resorts like Maitai Bora Bora or Le Bora Bora by Pearl Resorts for a blend of luxury and eco-friendly practices.

No matter where you choose to stay in Bora Bora, each accommodation option provides a unique way to experience the island’s beauty and hospitality.

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My experience

Mount Pahia: Best Hiking Trail in Bora Bora

Hiking in French Polynesia is a memory etched onto my mind: the lush vegetation that wraps around me, the Tarzan-like feel as I jump from rock to rock, pull myself up by the help of a vine or cross a river barefoot, and the reward of the breathtaking views at the summits are unbeatable.

Hiking makes me feel small in this mighty world of natural wonders, and it makes me feel grateful for having a healthy body that can carry me to the top.

This is my account of summiting Mount Pahia:

The Green Giant

Ultimate Bora Bora Hiking Guide: Discover Mount Piri

It was a sultry morning on the Paradise Island of Bora Bora. As I watched the pink and purple shades disperse from the sky, it seemed as if this green giant in front of me grew larger and larger.

I had just arrived to Bora Bora after spending three months in the flat-like-a-pancake Tuamotu atolls. As soon as I laid eyes on a mountain, I caught a whiff of adventure. Rising 661 meters above sea level, Mount Pahia lied before me as more than just a mountain; it was a gateway to nature’s untamed wonderland.

The Real Bora Bora

Mount Pahia: Best Hiking Trail in Bora Bora

By 8 AM, I was geared up with my trusty hiking boots, backpack brimming with water, and grin plastered on my face. I made the turn at the pearl shop in town, strolled a few meters down the asphalt road toward the Mount Pahia trailhead, and it felt like crossing into another world entirely.

Gone were the fancy tourist shops and hordes of American cruise ship visitors and honeymooners. Instead, I found myself surrounded by the authentic Bora Bora.

To my left and right, houses pieced together by stuff you’d seem to be able to find at the side of the road – a square piece of metal here, bamboo there, and perhaps a section of wood – no windows, just fabric to fend off the weather.

I couldn’t help but think of the saying “one man’s trash, another man’s treasure.” Here, it seemed particularly true.

Dogs and hens are to Polynesia what cows are to India – I don’t think they’re actually considered sacred or anything, but they’re everywhere, and they seem to live a totally unbothered, blessed life.

The most astonishing part? The dogs don’t kill the hens. As I ambled past their dwellings, some dogs barked to assert their territory, while the hens executed their signature jumpy-walk-run, seemingly unsure which way to dart.

Then came the grass, signaling I had reached the Mount Pahia Hiking Trail. Ready set go, and the hike had begun.

Sweat, baby

Mount Pahia: Best Hiking Trail in Bora Bora
Mount Pahia: Best Hiking Trail in Bora Bora

For me, hiking is like suffering from memory loss. Every time, I seem to forget just how strenuous it actually is, and I romanticize the trails in my head – this time was no different.

Within the first half hour, a layer of sweat clung to me like a second skin while I clung to vines and branches, making my way up the first, very steep part of the hiking trail. With each step in the rugged terrain, more and more sweat seemed to emerge, starting from the tip of my head and slowly making its way down my body.

As I caught my breath and tried to wipe away the stinging potion of sunscreen-sweat from my eyes, I questioned my sanity: Remind me again, why do you find this fun, Sara?

Make It Spicy

Mount Pahia: Best Hiking Trail in Bora Bora

Just as your body has stopped whining about the climb and accepted the brutality you’ve forced upon it, the trail turns left and transforms into a hike along the mountainside.

On this part, my breathing got more controlled, and I relished the amazing, arduous journey. I let my lungs fill with the crisp mountain air infused with earthy and tropical scents that tingled my nostrils, I took notice of the intricate dance between my muscles and brain as they coordinated every step – where to place my feet, what to grab, when to duck, and when to leap.

At certain points, the trail turned extra spicy, as if Mother Nature said “oh, so you think this is easy? Well, think again.” One misstep, and you could find yourself tumbling down the mountainside.

I made sure to lean toward the wall of volcanic rock that constitutes Mount Pahia, clutching onto every root or branch within arm’s reach. One, two, three – I trusted my legs to carry me past the perilous sections.

Mount Pahia: Best Hiking Trail in Bora Bora

As I ascended, the vegetation changed like a vibrant kaleidoscope. From thickets of bamboo to groves of towering breadfruit trees. Occasionally, a bewildered butterfly would bask in front of me or one of the thousand tiny, bronze-and-blue striped geckos, that I counted along the way, would pop up into view.

Right before reaching the summit, you will have to climb up a steep part using a rope. I’ve been a tiny Hulk since I was a little girl, but it wasn’t until recent years that I developed a genuine appreciation for my bodybuilder-like physique. So, I glanced up at the rope, thinking, piece of cake.

Mount Pahia: Best Hiking Trail in Bora Bora

The Real High

Standing on top of Mount Pahia felt like standing on the roof of the world. I was surrounded by a 360-degree vista of lush, jagged peaks that stretched towards the horizon. Below, Bora Bora’s iconic aquamarine lagoon shimmered, dotted with overwater bungalows that resembled tiny pearls in a vast, azure sea. The neighboring peak, Mount Otemanu, stood proudly in the distance, casting a regal shadow over the landscape.

I gulped some luke warm water and smashed two mashed muesli bars from my bag as I took in this unparalleled natural beauty. Hibiscus flowers sprinkled the surrounding greenery, and suddenly, a swarm of dragonflies appeared, making me feel like I’d stumbled upon a secret portal to paradise.

Mount Pahia: Best Hiking Trail in Bora Bora

The endorphins were tingling in my bloodstream, and finally after years of chasing artificial highs, I understood that this right here – the call of the wild – was the true ecstasy.

A high that wouldn’t leave me feeling empty. Sure, the throbbing bassline on the dance floor, the rush of a vodka-redbull and the spell working of drugs held a certain charm and sure, I had loads of fun over the years, but standing on top of a mountain and listening to my heart beat loudly in my chest is a way better feeling than lying in my bed at 6 AM and listening to my heart beat loudly in my chest.

This Is Not The End

As I descended back into the embrace of the Tarzan-esque jungle, I got a little taste of the type of adventure I hold dear. The type of adventure where you know, you’re a little bit fucked but not enough to be truly worried. The type of adventure that makes you feel alive.

I simply took the wrong turn and found myself scrambling on the side of the mountain for some time. I had ventured right when I should’ve veered left, seduced by what appeared to be a path. I didn’t think much about it, until I could see no path no more.

At this moment I had two choices. Keep going or turn around. After careful consideration – and the simple fact that I know not to fuck with mountains – I opted to backtrack and find my way to the trail I had strayed from.

Mount Pahia: Best Hiking Trail in Bora Bora

I thought the trail had been spicy while ascending, but again Mother Nature appeared and said “think again,” because this wrongful descend was way spicier. The terrain was completely moldy, causing everything I touched to crumble in my hand.

I basically had to run up the mountain, trusting my thighs to power through because I couldn’t grasp onto anything. Eventually, I made it back on track and continued my descend, feeling even more content. My soul had been fed with the fuel that keeps it going – adventure, baby!

If you’re venturing out there yourself, bear this spot in mind and keep left. It’s about ⅓ down the trail after summiting.


I like getting dirty, I enjoy sweating, I adore the ache in my muscles from climbing and jumping and walking and running, and I can’t get enough of the flow state I get into as my muscles and mind communicate in their secret language.

Then you add lizards and dragonflies, fragrant flowers and lush trees, crystal blue waters and an enchanting view – and that’s the essence of it, isn’t it? You can’t possibly get closer to the wild heart of Bora Bora, where nature reigns supreme.

No mettle tested here, just pure enjoyment. I’ll lock this beautiful little adventure away in my mental treasure chest, to be revisited when I’m old and grey.

Ultimate Bora Bora Hiking Guide: Discover Mount Piri


Questions and Answers about Bora Bora

General Questions

How do I get to Bora Bora?

  • Most visitors fly into Bora Bora Airport (Motu Mute Airport) from Tahiti (Papeete) or other islands in French Polynesia. From the airport, resorts usually provide boat transfers to the main island.

You can use my discount to get 10% off a WayAway Plus Membership, which makes flights up to 5% cheaper and offers cashback on hotels and other services, plus 24/7 support from travel experts.

What is the best time to visit Bora Bora?

  • The best time to visit Bora Bora is during the dry season from May to October when the weather is pleasantly warm and rainfall is minimal. This period also offers ideal conditions for water activities.

What language is spoken in Bora Bora?

  • French and Tahitian are the official languages, but English is widely understood, especially in tourist areas.

Hiking Questions

Are there hiking opportunities in Bora Bora?

  • Yes, Bora Bora offers scenic hiking trails, including popular routes to Mount Pahia and the lesser-known Mount Piri. These hikes provide stunning views of the island and lagoon.

Is it necessary to hire a guide for hiking in Bora Bora?

  • If you’re an avid hiker, in my opinion, it’s unnecessary. However, local guides offer safety, navigation assistance, and insights into the area’s flora and fauna, which some might find beneficial.

What should I pack for a hike in Bora Bora?

  • Essential items include sturdy hiking shoes, lightweight clothing, a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, plenty of water, snacks, insect repellent, and a fully charged phone or GPS device.

Activities Questions

What water activities can I do in Bora Bora?

  • Bora Bora is renowned for snorkeling, scuba diving, paddleboarding, jet skiing, and swimming in its crystal-clear lagoon. Many resorts also offer water sports equipment for rent.

Are there cultural activities to experience in Bora Bora?

  • Yes, visitors can enjoy traditional Polynesian dance performances, visit local artisan shops, and explore historical sites like Marae temples.

Accommodation Questions

What types of accommodations are available in Bora Bora?

  • Bora Bora offers a range of accommodations from luxury resorts with overwater bungalows to more affordable guesthouses and vacation rentals. Each option provides stunning views and access to the island’s natural beauty.

Do I need to book accommodations in advance?

  • It is advisable to book accommodations in advance, especially during the peak tourist season (July and August) and other popular times like holidays and special events.

Practical Questions

What currency is used in Bora Bora?

  • The local currency is the French Pacific Franc (XPF). Credit cards are widely accepted at most hotels, restaurants, and shops.

What should I know about tipping in Bora Bora?

  • Tipping is not expected in French Polynesia as a service charge is often included in bills. However, leaving a small amount for exceptional service is appreciated.

Safety Questions

Is Bora Bora safe for tourists?

  • Bora Bora is generally safe for tourists. However, as with any travel destination, it is advisable to take precautions against petty theft and to be aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded areas.

Are there any health concerns or vaccinations required for visiting Bora Bora?

  • There are no specific vaccinations required for visiting Bora Bora. However, it’s always a good idea to consult with your doctor before traveling and ensure you have adequate travel insurance.

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